Monday, 11 May 2009

The next plan for this project

The next plan for this project is to collect more data from accounting and finance students in order to compare their views on online engagement with students from international business. I do plan to contact them before the end of this semester because they might go away during the semester break in June-July and that may pose some technical problems for this project.

See how we go?!?!?!?!?

Friday, 8 May 2009

ANZIBA conference

The conference was held at the University of Queensland, one of the fantastic looking uni. in this country. what impressed me most was the very first keynote speech delievers by Prof. Lar, a visiting Professor at the UQ. He's Swedish and has long been working in the international business for a long period. What inspired me about his speech was regarding the way we conduct research and the culture of research in international business at global level. I do agree with him that lecturers are forced by the publication culture and some of us have been struggling to survive in this culture.

The rest of the conference was mediocre, due to the limitation in number of speakers and time of the conference. I particularly feel that the theme on teaching and learning in international business should be emphasized at the next year ANZIBA conference. This year, I only found 4-5 researchers and academics in this area talked about their work regarding learning and teaching, which is truly insufficient. Maybe we need more delegates to support the governance of ANZIBA.