Monday, 22 February 2010

Asian Management: Challenges and Opportunities in Turbulent Times Macau, SAR, China, December 12-14, 2010

The Asia Academy of Management invites papers for its seventh conference on the theme of Challenges and
Opportunities in Turbulent Times. No leader in any company would deny that the first decade of the 21st century
has had its disproportionate share of turbulent times. Businesses s in Asia have been affected by, and responded,
to the heightened risks, that have accompanied Asia’s continued rise in prominence in the world economy.
As with the diversity across Asia nations in culture, society and economic systems, the effect of such challenges,
alongside managers’ responses to these challenges have been highly variant. It is now time to collectively reflect
on our experiences in these turbulent times and move forward with a development of an improved understanding
of the creative strategies that have been, and will be, developed to handle the challenges and capture the
opportunities in these turbulent times.
Given the variety in firm responses, Asian firms’ experiences and strategies in turbulent times can provide new
insights to the development and extension of core management theories. The Seventh Asia Academy of
Management conference will accordingly focus on how Asian managers should lead their organizations in an era
characterized by these unprecedented challenges. More specifically, issues related to the broad theme of the
conference include, but are not restricted to, the following:
• What are the major changes in the environment in Asia and in the world. What are the specific challenges
that Asian managers have had to confront in the first decade of the 21st century?
• How are Asian firms responding to the new sources of turbulences in the environment? What are the
changes in the strategies of Asian firms?
• How do Asian firms perceive the future environment in Asia and in the world?
• What have Asian managers learned from their experiences in these turbulent times? How can they move
their organizations forward? What are the obstacles and challenges in front of them in implementation?
• What are the characteristics that Asian leaders need to possess in this era? How should today’s Asian
leaders be different from those in the past? What are the new skills that need to be acquired and
• What are the changes that Asian firms need to make so that they can remain viable and competitive in
this era? What should managers do to implement these changes?

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